
The PortexPledge contract facilitates the creation and management of Pledges onchain, holding funds in a non-custodial escrow, and determining their distribution based on the verification by an oracle.

Contract Functions


  • Can only be called by the oracle.

  • Verifies the pledge after the expiration block (pledge deadline) but within a certain number of blocks post-expiration.

  • Transfers the contract's ETH balance (after deducting an oracle fee, currently set to 0) to the deployer if the result of the pledge is true, or to the beneficiary if false.

  • Pays the oracle fee (currently set to 0) and emits PledgeVerified and FundsWithdrawn events.


  • Can only be called by the contract deployer.

  • Allows the deployer to withdraw funds if the verification period has expired without verification.

  • Emits a FundsWithdrawn event.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract PortexPledge {
    address public immutable deployer;
    address public immutable beneficiary;
    address public immutable oracle;
    uint256 public immutable expirationBlock;
    uint256 public expirationBlockBuffer;
    string public appId; 
    uint256 public amount;
    uint256 public oracleFee;
    bool public verified;
    bool public result;

    event PledgeCreated(address indexed deployer, address indexed beneficiary, address indexed oracle, uint256 expirationBlock, uint256 amount, string appId, uint256 oracleFee);
    event PledgeVerified(bool result, address indexed oracle);
    event FundsWithdrawn(address indexed recipient, uint256 amount);

    constructor(uint256 _expirationBlock, uint256 _expirationBlockBuffer, address _beneficiary, address _oracle, string memory _appId, uint256 _oracleFee) payable {
        require(msg.value >= _oracleFee, "Insufficient funds to cover oracle fee");
        deployer = msg.sender;
        amount = msg.value;
        beneficiary = _beneficiary;
        oracle = _oracle;
        expirationBlock = _expirationBlock;
        expirationBlockBuffer = _expirationBlockBuffer;
        appId = _appId;
        oracleFee = _oracleFee; 
        emit PledgeCreated(deployer, beneficiary, oracle, expirationBlock, amount, appId, oracleFee);

    modifier onlyOracle() {
        require(msg.sender == oracle, "Only oracle can call this function");

    modifier onlyDeployer() {
        require(msg.sender == deployer, "Only the deployer can call this function");

    function verifyPledge(bool _result) external onlyOracle {
        require(block.number >= expirationBlock, "Pledge has not expired yet");
        require(block.number <= expirationBlock + expirationBlockBuffer, "Verification period has expired");
        require(!verified, "Pledge already verified");

        verified = true;
        result = _result;

        uint256 balance = address(this).balance - oracleFee;
        address recipient = _result ? deployer : beneficiary;
        emit FundsWithdrawn(recipient, balance);

        emit PledgeVerified(_result, oracle);

    function withdraw() external onlyDeployer {
        require(block.number > expirationBlock + expirationBlockBuffer, "Cannot withdraw before verification period ends");
        require(!verified, "Pledge already verified");

        uint256 balance = address(this).balance;
        emit FundsWithdrawn(deployer, balance);

Last updated